Author Archives: English4kids
Мультфильм Muzzy in Gondoland (1)
Gogo 13: Revision (1).
Gogo 12: Do you like sausages?
Genki English (Энергичный английский).
Gogo 11: What do you like?
English 4 Kids: Где мистер Обезьян? (Предлоги места. Продолжение.)
English 4 Kids. Предлоги: On In Under.
English Intermediate: “The Pickle Story” (The Andy Griffith Show)
English 4 Kids: What’s the time Mr Wolf (game)
Gogo 10: What is the time?
Gogo 9: “How many are there?”
Скачать: Once I Caught A Fish Alive (песенку-считалочку на английском). Видео, текст, минусовку и караоке.
Do you really want to change your way of speaking?…