Здравствуйте, дорогие читатели English 4 kids (Английский для детей).

Сегодня я вам открою одну нашу маленькую тайну: Кайл Китон пишет книжку для детей изучающих английский язык. Это книга про маленького медвежонка (Little Bear) трогательная и забавная. В связи с приближающимся Днем Благодарения, я попросила Кайла написать историю про Little Bear специально для нашего проекта и он назвал её “Little Bear and That Thanksgiving Time“.

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Little Bear and That Thanksgiving Time… (Part 1)

Once upon a time, there was a Little Bear! This little bear had not only a wonderful mommy and daddy, but he had grandpa’s and grandma’s also that loved to spoil him rotten, whenever they got a chance…

After a few years, Little Bear realized that as the weather grew colder outside and sometimes the snow fell, that it seemed that at the end of the year there was lots and lots of food and presents. When Little Bear reached about 5 years old he all of a sudden realized that the names of the months he learned were important…

His mommy taught him that the months were named like this: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November and December…

Little Bear was looking at a calendar hanging on the wall in the kitchen, as he ate his morning porridge and all of a sudden he exclaimed to his grandpa sitting there eating porridge also, “Grandpa, it is almost Thanksgiving!”

Grandpa looked at Little Bear and then at the calendar and said, “My my but are you not correct! I hope grandma makes that delicious pumpkin pie she always makes!” With that grandpa got up and said, “Excuse me!” As he took his bowl to the sink and rinsed it off, to wash later…

That left Little Bear all alone and staring at the calendar, deep in thought…

Then Little Bear’s little mind started to work very hard and all of a sudden he put two and two together. Months are very important and you must know what month it is to know when your birthday is, when Thanksgiving is and definitely when Christmas is… 🙂

So right at this moment, Little Bear realized that in two days, it would be Thanksgiving…

That night Little Bear was restless and he tossed and turned in his bed all night long. The next morning he saw that as he ate breakfast of porridge again, that no one seemed to care about Thanksgiving. Why he could just close his eyes and remember all those delicious foods that everyone cooks. Then he could just see that huge Turkey all stuffed with grandma’s famous oyster dressing and with his eyes still closed, he could just see that huge drumstick from the Turkey, handed to him personally, because that was his favorite piece. The Turkey leg…

Breakfast was over and Little Bear realized that tomorrow was Thanksgiving. But he was so busy during the day, finding ant homes and playing with his best friend, froggy, that he was tucked in bed and did not even know if there was going to be a Thanksgiving tomorrow or not…

Little Bear fell asleep and he tossed and turned and had a terrible night sleeping. He woke 10 times at least and was very worried about if there would be a Thanksgiving dinner…

In the last of Little Bear’s dreams a huge monster came and ate all their food, before they could even get one bite and they all went hungry on Thanksgiving. Little Bear woke up scared of that monster and started to cry..

Grandma Bear heard him and she came gently into his room. She held Little Bear and rocked him and asked him, about his bad dream…

Little Bear told her all that was going on and that he was afraid no one would care about Thanksgiving…

Grandma Bear chuckled and said, “There is a lot of meanings of Thanksgiving and I will tell you what I think it is all about! If you want me to?”

Little Bear said, “Yes Please!”

Little Bear and That Thanksgiving Time…(Part 2)

Grandma told a little story…

Once a long time ago, there was a whole bunch of starving bears! These bears found that life was hard and they could not find enough to eat. Bears in the old days ate only meat, just like a wolf does. But one day some Indian bears discovered that bushes had berries and plants had roots. These were all good things to eat and then bears discovered that there was fish in the streams and rivers and that they were very very good to eat. So bears taught each other how to hunt, fish and pick berries. They taught each other what roots tasted the best and what leaves and bark could be eaten also…

As the bears grew stronger and more and more bears were born, to populate the earth. They all decided to have a special day that they could remember when they use to starve, back when they tried to eat only meat. So in November just before it is time for Bears to hibernate, we have Thanksgiving to celebrate and be thankful about having so many good things to eat and we also are thankful for having a good life. Then to top it all off, we eat and eat and eat on Thanksgiving so that we can go sleep until Christmas and have Santa Clause bring us presents…

So Thanksgiving is important to us and we are going to have a huge meal tomorrow. Now you go to sleep and I am going to the kitchen. I have some pumpkin pies to make or grandpa will be really very grouchy come Thanksgiving meal…

Little Bear thought a moment about what Grandma said and then he closed his eyes and was sound asleep. Grandma gently laid his head down on his pillow and quietly left Little Bear sleeping…

Little Bear slept until almost noon on Thanksgiving and he woke with heavenly smells in the air. He ran down stairs and found the dining room table set with all the trimmings. Then he ran into the kitchen and saw the biggest Turkey he had ever seen in his whole life. It was bigger than he was…

Grandma and his mom looked at him standing in the doorway! Grandma said, “Open your mouth!” Little Bear did just that and grandma stuck a piece of pumpkin pie in his mouth. As he grinned from ear to ear, his mom said, “Get upstairs and wash yourself and get ready for Thanksgiving Dinner!”

Little Bear and That Thanksgiving TimeLittle Bear ran upstairs and cleaned up as fast as he could and when he came back downstairs everyone and all the food was on and at the table. Little Bears eyes almost popped out of his head as he surveyed all the food. Why there was a hundred different things to eat and there was only one Little Bear to eat it all. Well he was going do his best and eat and eat and eat…

As grandpa said grace to God, Little Bear was thinking about the old bears and trying to eat just meat. When grandpa said amen, Little Bear spouted out, “A-men and thank you – Indian Bears…”

The End…

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English 4 Kids: Английский детям

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